Swakopmund Sightseeing
- More InfoBird Island - SwakopmundBird Island began as a wooden platform measuring four meters square, three meters above the sea. Winter finished this initial construction in March 1930. One year later he had enlarged the platform to 16 meters square, and by...
- Swakopmund
- Historic Buildings & Architecture
- Sightseeing
- More InfoThe Swakopmund JettyInitially a 325 meter long, wooden jetty was built in 1902, which was replaced by an iron one in 1912. This was to be 640 metres long and equipped with two 5 ton and two 3 ton cranes, as well as a railway line.
- Swakopmund
- Historic Buildings & Architecture
- Sightseeing
- More InfoThe Bloed KoppieThe Bloed Koppie is a spectacular granite hill ideal for the enegetic to explore. Smaller than the Spitskoppe the Bloedkoppie still offers ample opportunities to explore and take photographs. Visiting the Bloedkoppie and the 4x4...
- Namib-Naukluft Park
- Sightseeing
- +264 64 404 576
- More InfoMartin Luther Steam Tractor SwakopmundIn 1894 the German artist, Troost, tried to replace the tedious ox-wagon traffic on the "Bay Road" from Swakopmund into the interior by the implementation of a steam traction engine, but it did not succeed to operate under the...
- Swakopmund
- Sightseeing
- History
- More InfoThe Spitzkoppe (Spits Koppe)Rising out of the sandy plains just north of the main road between Swakopmund and Windhoek and west of Usakos lies the Spitzkoppe one of Namibias if not the worlds most striking rocks spires. Rustic Campsites scattered around the...
- Swakopmund
- Sightseeing